Have you ever had “one of those days”?
I know. Silly question. We all have had one or more of those days–when nothing seems to go “right” and everything goes “wrong.” Life is an adventure, and oftentimes, a challenging adventure, to be sure!
The entire world is experiencing such a time right now. The Coronavirus has crossed borders, swept seas, and spread misery and death throughout the world. All of us have been affected in one way or another. It would be easy to grow “faint of heart” and just give up.
I believe that one of Satan’s chief weapons in his relentless war against the saints of God is “discouragement.” Unchecked, discouragement leads to despair and hopelessness–and ultimately, defeat.
If battling discouragement wasn’t enough, we often find ourselves fighting by ourselves–alone in this conflict. In times like these we must be proactive. To experience victory, we must learn how to “encourage ourselves in the Lord.”
In the face of this present danger, some of you may be experiencing feelings of fear and hopelessness. It’s time to wake up, rise up, and speak up! God’s promises to you are your sure hope of deliverance from discouragement.
I pray that God will strengthen and establish you as you listen, now.
“Dealing With Discouragement” by Randall Gearhart